A while ago, out and about on the internet, I came across a little gem – a quirky spoken word poem, by a seemingly regular guy, about his appreciation for smart/bookish/wordy girls. A man of taste and discernment, obviously! As it turned out, that guy was Mark Grist, a British poet, educational consultant, and, um, battle rapper. Did you even know that was a thing?
I shared it here then – a YouTube clip of Mark, just sitting at a table, reciting the clever, sweet and slightly naughty Girls Who Read. Lots of other people shared it too, and it went viral. If you saw it, you’ll understand why!
Now Mark has teamed up with talented illustrator and filmmaker Guy Larsen, and an enthusiastic group of volunteers, to make a short film version. And it’s been an even bigger hit online. I had to share it too – I think you’ll love it.
Mark’s girlfriend Lucy did! He said: “It’s also the first poem I read to my girlfriend Lucy (she was a librarian at the time), and I might not be living with her now if I hadn’t written it.”
More than two million YouTube views later, I think we can all agree – girls like guys who like girls who read!
“But what’s more important, what supersedes
is a girl with passion, wit and dreams…
So I like a girl who reads.”
P.S. If you’d like to see the original version of Girls who Read, spoken by Mark, you can find it here on my blog. For more videos, clever poems and info, visit his website at markgrist.com. And you can find all kinds of strange and wonderful creations at from Guy at guylarsen.com. Enjoy!
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